Last Wednesday morning, I noticed that Mia had a fever so I stayed home from work with her that day. She had no other symptoms, so I just assumed she was fighting off a virus. Mia still had a fever on Thursday morning, so Grandma Randa came over to stay with Mia so I could go into work. Jake is in the middle of a super duper busy time right now (working 7 days a week and averaging 12 hour days) so he didn't have the ability to stay home. Thursday night Mia was still sick so I called the Nurse Exchange. She suggested that I take Mia to the doctor in the morning. So on Friday, Mia's pediatrician diagnosed her with a Urinary Tract Infection, which apparently aren't that uncommon in little girls. Mia started antibiotics right away, but she was still feverish. Saturday morning, Mia's temperature was hovering between 104 and 105. I called Mia's doctor and she suggested that we go to the ER since it seemed like Mia's medicine wasn't working. Luckily Jake hadn't left for work yet, so he called in and told them he wouldn't be in until later.
Off we went to the ER at Children's Hospital. After explaining Mia's situation to several people (I felt like a broken record; no she doesn't have a runny nose, a cough nor diarrhea, etc...) and then doing a urine culture, they confirmed that Mia did have a UTI. Then they decided to give her an IV filled with antibiotics to basically kick-start the medicine.
I think one of the hardest things of being a parent is seeing your child sick and suffering. It was a heart-wrenching experience. Mia screamed while they were inserting the IV, but after the nurse's left the room, she calmed down and all she wanted to do was snuggle. She definitely was a trooper through all of this. Here's our darling daughter in the ER hooked up to the IV.

Thankfully, we were able to go back home after the IV had run its course. Now Mia is now feeling much better and seems to be back to her normal stuff. The only problem - while she was sick and basically only wanted to be held for 5 days, we watched A LOT of Elmo on TV. Now Mia is addicted! She points to the TV and says "Mel-mo, Mel-mo" and pitches a fit when I won't let her watch it.
oh! poor baby. I know that must have sucked. Avery had a UTI when she was 5 months old but we didn't have to go to the ER. I am glad she is home and doing better.
Oh my goodness! What a sad picture. I'm so glad to hear she is doing better. I remember our middle-of-the-night visit to the ER. Whew, what an experience. I'm glad that YOU made it through too! Hope to see you all this Sunday at church. Give MIA a big smooch from us!
Oh no! Poor little Mia! I'm so glad she is doing better. Hospital visits are definitely traumatic for both the little one and the parents!
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