Yesterday was Mia's 1st birthday! Its hard to believe that a year has past already. And what a fun and eventful year it has been. Mia is such a joy to us and we are thankful every day that we've been blessed with such a wonderful and amazing little girl.
Mia's birthday party was yesterday afternoon and I'll be sure to blog on that and include lots of pictures. For this blog, I want it to be a special one, capturing Mia at this point in time. We all know how fast time goes and how you think you'll remember everything, but as days go by some things are fleeting. So, this post is all things Mia...
At 12 months old, Mia can:
-wave hi and bye
-baby sign "more" and "all done"
-point to the things she wants
-climb up the stairs
-give someone 5
-raise arms on "so big"
-clap along with patty cakes & "happy and you know it" song
-stand up and cruise along furniture
-can walk when you hold her hands
(*Mia took her 1st real step on her birthday!)
-raise her arms up when she wants to be picked up
-go get daddy when asked
-give hugs
Mia's favorites:
Food: hot dogs, cheese slices, mandarin oranges, black olives, deli turkey meat
Songs: "If you're happy & you know it," "Wheels on the Bus," "ABCs"
Toys: books, rings, ball, shapes, baby dolls, remote controls and cell phones
Activities: being chased and then tickled, tickle bug, riding on shoulders, going upside down, playing peek-a-boo
Books: "Who loves you baby," "Peek-a-Zoo," "Squishy Turtle"
Mia can say:
-hi, bye, mom, da-da, ball, ba ba, more and mum mum
Other fun stuff:
-Mia is a climber! She loves to climb up on everything - which scares mom & dad!
-Mia is a snuggler. She loves to sit on laps, cuddle and give lots of hugs.
-Mia has 4 teeth. Two more are peeking through on the top and 1 more on the bottom.
-Mia loves shoes!
-Mia loves her pacifier.
-She wears size 12-18 mos clothes and is about to move into size 4 shoes
-Mia loves other kids and loves to watch them.
-She likes the slide the best at the park.
-Mia takes 2 naps a day: usually 9:30-10:30 and 1:00-3:00
-Mia's bedtime is 8:30
-In a crowd, Mia is sometimes shy and sometimes a big flirt!
-Mia likes bathtime, but her favorite is at the end when we do "baby burrito" and wrap up in the towel
-Mia likes blues music!
-Mia likes to watch and then try to do it herself
-Mia is a happy little girl and full of smiles!
1 comment:
She is such a sweetie!!!! Happy Birthday Mia! And - Happy Birthday to both of you guys - this is a big day for you too!
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